/home/tai/chorist/xian-1.2/src/include/itm.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  qos_generic_msg
struct  qos_metric_node_msg
struct  qos_metric_ath_msg
struct  qos_metric_net80211_msg
struct  xian_float
struct  qos_metric_proto_msg
struct  qos_metric_stat_msg


#define NB_METRICS   10
#define IFNAMESIZ   16
#define IEEE80211_MAC_ADDR_LEN   17
#define ETH_ALEN   6
#define CROSS_LAYER_DEV_NAME   "xian_itm"
#define CROSS_LAYER_DEV_NAME_PATH   "/dev/xian_itm"
#define BUF_LEN   150
#define T_QOS_GENERIC_MSG   0
#define T_QOS_METRIC_ATH_MSG   2
#define T_QOS_METRIC_NET80211_MSG   3
#define T_QUERY_MSG   0
#define T_RESPONSE_MSG   1
#define T_ERROR_MSG   2
#define T_SEND_MSG   3
#define NODE_RX_DATA   0
#define NODE_RX_MGMT   1
#define NODE_RX_CTRL   2
#define NODE_RX_UCAST   3
#define NODE_RX_MCAST   4
#define NODE_RX_BYTES   5
#define NODE_RX_BEACONS   6
#define NODE_RX_DUP   8
#define NODE_RX_WEPFAIL   10
#define NODE_RX_DEMICFAIL   11
#define NODE_RX_DECAP   12
#define NODE_RX_DEFRAG   13
#define NODE_RX_DISASSOC   14
#define NODE_RX_DEAUTH   15
#define NODE_RX_UNAUTH   17
#define NODE_TX_DATA   19
#define NODE_TX_MGMT   20
#define NODE_TX_UCAST   21
#define NODE_TX_MCAST   22
#define NODE_TX_BYTES   23
#define NODE_TX_PROBEREQ   24
#define NODE_TX_NOVLANTAG   25
#define NODE_PS_DISCARD   27
#define NODE_TX_ASSOC   28
#define NODE_TX_ASSOC_FAIL   29
#define NODE_TX_AUTH   30
#define NODE_TX_AUTH_FAIL   31
#define NODE_TX_DEAUTH   32
#define NODE_TX_DEAUTH_CODE   33
#define NODE_TX_DISASSOC   34
#define NODE_TXPOWER   36
#define NODE_RSSI   38
#define AST_WATCHDOG   39
#define AST_HARDWARE   40
#define AST_BMISS   41
#define AST_BSTUCK   42
#define AST_RXORN   43
#define AST_RXEOL   44
#define AST_TXURN   45
#define AST_MIB   46
#define AST_INTRCOAL   47
#define AST_TX_PACKETS   48
#define AST_TX_MGMT   49
#define AST_TX_DISCARD   50
#define AST_TX_INVALID   51
#define AST_TX_QSTOP   52
#define AST_TX_ENCAP   53
#define AST_TX_NONODE   54
#define AST_TX_NOBUF   55
#define AST_TX_NOBUFMGT   56
#define AST_TX_LINEAR   57
#define AST_TX_NODATA   58
#define AST_TX_BUSDMA   59
#define AST_TX_XRETRIES   60
#define AST_TX_FIFOERR   61
#define AST_TX_FILTERED   62
#define AST_TX_SHORTRETRY   63
#define AST_TX_LONGRETRY   64
#define AST_TX_BADRATE   65
#define AST_TX_NOACK   66
#define AST_TX_RTS   67
#define AST_TX_CTS   68
#define AST_TX_SHORTPRE   69
#define AST_TX_ALTRATE   70
#define AST_TX_PROTECT   71
#define AST_TX_CTSBURST   72
#define AST_TX_CTSEXT   73
#define AST_RX_NOBUF   74
#define AST_RX_BUSDMA   75
#define AST_RX_ORN   76
#define AST_RX_CRCERR   77
#define AST_RX_FIFOERR   78
#define AST_RX_BADCRYPT   79
#define AST_RX_BADMIC   80
#define AST_RX_PHYERR   81
#define AST_RX_TOOSHORT   82
#define AST_RX_TOOBIG   83
#define AST_RX_PACKETS   84
#define AST_RX_MGT   85
#define AST_RX_CTL   86
#define AST_TX_RSSI   87
#define AST_RX_RSSI   88
#define AST_BE_XMIT   89
#define AST_BE_NOBUF   90
#define AST_PER_CAL   91
#define AST_PER_CALFAIL   92
#define AST_PER_RFGAIN   93
#define AST_RATE_CALLS   94
#define AST_RATE_RAISE   95
#define AST_RATE_DROP   96
#define AST_ANT_DEFSWITCH   97
#define AST_ANT_TXSWITCH   98
#define IS_RX_BADVERSION   99
#define IS_RX_TOOSHORT   100
#define IS_RX_WRONGBSS   101
#define IS_RX_DUP   102
#define IS_RX_WRONGDIR   103
#define IS_RX_MCASTECHO   104
#define IS_RX_NOTASSOC   105
#define IS_RX_NOPRIVACY   106
#define IS_RX_UNENCRYPTED   107
#define IS_RX_WEPFAIL   108
#define IS_RX_DECAP   109
#define IS_RX_MGTDISCARD   110
#define IS_RX_CTL   111
#define IS_RX_BEACON   112
#define IS_RX_RSTOOBIG   113
#define IS_RX_ELEM_MISSING   114
#define IS_RX_ELEM_TOOBIG   115
#define IS_RX_ELEM_TOOSMALL   116
#define IS_RX_ELEM_UNKNOWN   117
#define IS_RX_BADCHAN   118
#define IS_RX_CHANMISMATCH   119
#define IS_RX_NODEALLOC   120
#define IS_RX_SSIDMISMATCH   121
#define IS_RX_AUTH_FAIL   123
#define IS_RX_ASSOC_BSS   125
#define IS_RX_ASSOC_NOTAUTH   126
#define IS_RX_ASSOC_NORATE   128
#define IS_RX_ASSOC_BADWPAIE   129
#define IS_RX_DEAUTH   130
#define IS_RX_DISASSOC   131
#define IS_RX_BADSUBTYPE   132
#define IS_RX_NOBUF   133
#define IS_RX_DECRYPTCRC   134
#define IS_RX_AHDEMO_MGT   135
#define IS_RX_BAD_AUTH   136
#define IS_RX_UNAUTH   137
#define IS_RX_BADKEYID   138
#define IS_RX_CCMPREPLAY   139
#define IS_RX_CCMPFORMAT   140
#define IS_RX_CCMPMIC   141
#define IS_RX_TKIPREPLAY   142
#define IS_RX_TKIPFORMAT   143
#define IS_RX_TKIPMIC   144
#define IS_RX_TKIPICV   145
#define IS_RX_BADCIPHER   146
#define IS_RX_NOCIPHERCTX   147
#define IS_RX_ACL   148
#define IS_TX_NOBUF   149
#define IS_TX_NONODE   150
#define IS_TX_UNKNOWNMGT   151
#define IS_TX_BADCIPHER   152
#define IS_TX_NODEFKEY   153
#define IS_TX_NOHEADROOM   154
#define IS_SCAN_ACTIVE   155
#define IS_SCAN_PASSIVE   156
#define IS_NODE_TIMEOUT   157
#define IS_CRYPTO_NOMEM   158
#define IS_CRYPTO_TKIP   159
#define IS_CRYPTO_TKIPCM   162
#define IS_CRYPTO_CCMP   163
#define IS_CRYPTO_WEP   164
#define IS_CRYPTO_DELKEY   167
#define IS_CRYPTO_NOCIPHER   169
#define IS_CRYPTO_KEYFAIL   172
#define IS_IBSS_NORATE   175
#define IS_PS_UNASSOC   176
#define IS_PS_BADAID   177
#define IS_PS_QEMPTY   178
#define NODE_ON_TX_ERR   179
#define NODE_ON_TX_OK   180
#define NODE_ON_TX_RETR   181


enum  type_metric_t { NOTHING = 0, INT8 = 1, INT32 = 2, INT64 = 3 }

Define Documentation

#define NB_METRICS   10

Definition at line 25 of file itm.h.

Referenced by insert_metric(), kinsert_metric(), print_tab(), register_id(), and thread_function().

#define IFNAMESIZ   16

Definition at line 31 of file itm.h.

Referenced by register_id().

#define IEEE80211_MAC_ADDR_LEN   17

Definition at line 32 of file itm.h.

Referenced by convert_mac_addr(), delete_mac_to_broadcast(), insert_mac_to_broadcast(), is_mac_addr_valid(), register_id(), thread_function(), xian_broadcast_neighbour(), xian_get_xian_neighbour(), and XIAN_Manager_receive().

#define ETH_ALEN   6

Definition at line 33 of file itm.h.

Referenced by convert_hexamac(), get_metric(), get_xian_stat(), ksend_metric(), thread_function(), update_xian_stat(), xian_if_send(), XIAN_Manager_receive(), and xian_netif_rx().

#define CROSS_LAYER_DEV_NAME   "xian_itm"

Definition at line 39 of file itm.h.

Referenced by cross_layer_mod_init(), and cross_layer_mod_unload().

#define CROSS_LAYER_DEV_NAME_PATH   "/dev/xian_itm"

Definition at line 40 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_ant_defswitch(), get_ast_ant_txswitch(), get_ast_be_nobuf(), get_ast_be_xmit(), get_ast_bmiss(), get_ast_bstuck(), get_ast_hardware(), get_ast_intrcoal(), get_ast_mib(), get_ast_per_cal(), get_ast_per_calfail(), get_ast_per_rfgain(), get_ast_rate_calls(), get_ast_rate_drop(), get_ast_rate_raise(), get_ast_rx_badcrypt(), get_ast_rx_badmic(), get_ast_rx_busdma(), get_ast_rx_crcerr(), get_ast_rx_ctl(), get_ast_rx_fifoerr(), get_ast_rx_mgt(), get_ast_rx_nobuf(), get_ast_rx_orn(), get_ast_rx_packets(), get_ast_rx_phyerr(), get_ast_rx_rssi(), get_ast_rx_toobig(), get_ast_rx_tooshort(), get_ast_rxeol(), get_ast_rxorn(), get_ast_tx_altrate(), get_ast_tx_badrate(), get_ast_tx_busdma(), get_ast_tx_cts(), get_ast_tx_ctsburst(), get_ast_tx_ctsext(), get_ast_tx_discard(), get_ast_tx_encap(), get_ast_tx_fifoerr(), get_ast_tx_filtered(), get_ast_tx_invalid(), get_ast_tx_linear(), get_ast_tx_longretry(), get_ast_tx_mgmt(), get_ast_tx_noack(), get_ast_tx_nobuf(), get_ast_tx_nobufmgt(), get_ast_tx_nodata(), get_ast_tx_nonode(), get_ast_tx_packets(), get_ast_tx_protect(), get_ast_tx_qstop(), get_ast_tx_rssi(), get_ast_tx_rts(), get_ast_tx_shortpre(), get_ast_tx_shortretry(), get_ast_tx_xretries(), get_ast_txurn(), get_ast_watchdog(), get_is_crypto_attachfail(), get_is_crypto_badcipher(), get_is_crypto_ccmp(), get_is_crypto_delkey(), get_is_crypto_enmicfail(), get_is_crypto_keyfail(), get_is_crypto_nocipher(), get_is_crypto_nomem(), get_is_crypto_setkey_cipher(), get_is_crypto_setkey_nokey(), get_is_crypto_swfallback(), get_is_crypto_tkip(), get_is_crypto_tkipcm(), get_is_crypto_tkipdemic(), get_is_crypto_tkipenmic(), get_is_crypto_wep(), get_is_ibss_capmismatch(), get_is_ibss_norate(), get_is_node_timeout(), get_is_ps_badaid(), get_is_ps_qempty(), get_is_ps_unassoc(), get_is_rx_acl(), get_is_rx_ahdemo_mgt(), get_is_rx_assoc_badwpaie(), get_is_rx_assoc_bss(), get_is_rx_assoc_capmismatch(), get_is_rx_assoc_norate(), get_is_rx_assoc_notauth(), get_is_rx_auth_countermeasures(), get_is_rx_auth_fail(), get_is_rx_auth_unsupported(), get_is_rx_bad_auth(), get_is_rx_badchan(), get_is_rx_badcipher(), get_is_rx_badkeyid(), get_is_rx_badsubtype(), get_is_rx_badversion(), get_is_rx_beacon(), get_is_rx_ccmpformat(), get_is_rx_ccmpmic(), get_is_rx_ccmpreplay(), get_is_rx_chanmismatch(), get_is_rx_ctl(), get_is_rx_deauth(), get_is_rx_decap(), get_is_rx_decryptcrc(), get_is_rx_disassoc(), get_is_rx_dup(), get_is_rx_elem_missing(), get_is_rx_elem_toobig(), get_is_rx_elem_toosmall(), get_is_rx_elem_unknown(), get_is_rx_mcastecho(), get_is_rx_mgtdiscard(), get_is_rx_nobuf(), get_is_rx_nocipherctx(), get_is_rx_nodealloc(), get_is_rx_noprivacy(), get_is_rx_notassoc(), get_is_rx_rstoobig(), get_is_rx_ssidmismatch(), get_is_rx_tkipformat(), get_is_rx_tkipicv(), get_is_rx_tkipmic(), get_is_rx_tkipreplay(), get_is_rx_tooshort(), get_is_rx_unauth(), get_is_rx_unencrypted(), get_is_rx_wepfail(), get_is_rx_wrongbss(), get_is_rx_wrongdir(), get_is_scan_active(), get_is_scan_passive(), get_is_tx_badcipher(), get_is_tx_nobuf(), get_is_tx_nodefkey(), get_is_tx_noheadroom(), get_is_tx_nonode(), get_is_tx_unknownmgt(), get_node_negotiated_rate(), get_node_on_tx_err(), get_node_on_tx_ok(), get_node_on_tx_retr(), get_node_ps_discard(), get_node_rssi(), get_node_rx_beacons(), get_node_rx_bytes(), get_node_rx_ctrl(), get_node_rx_data(), get_node_rx_deauth(), get_node_rx_decap(), get_node_rx_decryptcrc(), get_node_rx_defrag(), get_node_rx_demicfail(), get_node_rx_disassoc(), get_node_rx_dup(), get_node_rx_mcast(), get_node_rx_mgmt(), get_node_rx_noprivacy(), get_node_rx_proberesp(), get_node_rx_ucast(), get_node_rx_unauth(), get_node_rx_unencrypted(), get_node_rx_wepfail(), get_node_tx_assoc(), get_node_tx_assoc_fail(), get_node_tx_auth(), get_node_tx_auth_fail(), get_node_tx_bytes(), get_node_tx_data(), get_node_tx_deauth(), get_node_tx_deauth_code(), get_node_tx_disassoc(), get_node_tx_disassoc_code(), get_node_tx_mcast(), get_node_tx_mgmt(), get_node_tx_novlantag(), get_node_tx_probereq(), get_node_tx_ucast(), get_node_tx_vlanmismatch(), get_node_txpower(), get_xian_stat_xian_float(), and send_metric().

#define BUF_LEN   150

Definition at line 41 of file itm.h.


Definition at line 43 of file itm.h.

Referenced by cross_layer_mod_init(), and cross_layer_mod_unload().

#define T_QOS_GENERIC_MSG   0

Definition at line 49 of file itm.h.


Definition at line 50 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_node_negotiated_rate(), get_node_on_tx_err(), get_node_on_tx_ok(), get_node_on_tx_retr(), get_node_ps_discard(), get_node_rssi(), get_node_rx_beacons(), get_node_rx_bytes(), get_node_rx_ctrl(), get_node_rx_data(), get_node_rx_deauth(), get_node_rx_decap(), get_node_rx_decryptcrc(), get_node_rx_defrag(), get_node_rx_demicfail(), get_node_rx_disassoc(), get_node_rx_dup(), get_node_rx_mcast(), get_node_rx_mgmt(), get_node_rx_noprivacy(), get_node_rx_proberesp(), get_node_rx_ucast(), get_node_rx_unauth(), get_node_rx_unencrypted(), get_node_rx_wepfail(), get_node_tx_assoc(), get_node_tx_assoc_fail(), get_node_tx_auth(), get_node_tx_auth_fail(), get_node_tx_bytes(), get_node_tx_data(), get_node_tx_deauth(), get_node_tx_deauth_code(), get_node_tx_disassoc(), get_node_tx_disassoc_code(), get_node_tx_mcast(), get_node_tx_mgmt(), get_node_tx_novlantag(), get_node_tx_probereq(), get_node_tx_ucast(), get_node_tx_vlanmismatch(), and get_node_txpower().

#define T_QOS_METRIC_ATH_MSG   2

Definition at line 51 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_ant_defswitch(), get_ast_ant_txswitch(), get_ast_be_nobuf(), get_ast_be_xmit(), get_ast_bmiss(), get_ast_bstuck(), get_ast_hardware(), get_ast_intrcoal(), get_ast_mib(), get_ast_per_cal(), get_ast_per_calfail(), get_ast_per_rfgain(), get_ast_rate_calls(), get_ast_rate_drop(), get_ast_rate_raise(), get_ast_rx_badcrypt(), get_ast_rx_badmic(), get_ast_rx_busdma(), get_ast_rx_crcerr(), get_ast_rx_ctl(), get_ast_rx_fifoerr(), get_ast_rx_mgt(), get_ast_rx_nobuf(), get_ast_rx_orn(), get_ast_rx_packets(), get_ast_rx_phyerr(), get_ast_rx_rssi(), get_ast_rx_toobig(), get_ast_rx_tooshort(), get_ast_rxeol(), get_ast_rxorn(), get_ast_tx_altrate(), get_ast_tx_badrate(), get_ast_tx_busdma(), get_ast_tx_cts(), get_ast_tx_ctsburst(), get_ast_tx_ctsext(), get_ast_tx_discard(), get_ast_tx_encap(), get_ast_tx_fifoerr(), get_ast_tx_filtered(), get_ast_tx_invalid(), get_ast_tx_linear(), get_ast_tx_longretry(), get_ast_tx_mgmt(), get_ast_tx_noack(), get_ast_tx_nobuf(), get_ast_tx_nobufmgt(), get_ast_tx_nodata(), get_ast_tx_nonode(), get_ast_tx_packets(), get_ast_tx_protect(), get_ast_tx_qstop(), get_ast_tx_rssi(), get_ast_tx_rts(), get_ast_tx_shortpre(), get_ast_tx_shortretry(), get_ast_tx_xretries(), get_ast_txurn(), and get_ast_watchdog().

#define T_QOS_METRIC_NET80211_MSG   3

Definition at line 52 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_attachfail(), get_is_crypto_badcipher(), get_is_crypto_ccmp(), get_is_crypto_delkey(), get_is_crypto_enmicfail(), get_is_crypto_keyfail(), get_is_crypto_nocipher(), get_is_crypto_nomem(), get_is_crypto_setkey_cipher(), get_is_crypto_setkey_nokey(), get_is_crypto_swfallback(), get_is_crypto_tkip(), get_is_crypto_tkipcm(), get_is_crypto_tkipdemic(), get_is_crypto_tkipenmic(), get_is_crypto_wep(), get_is_ibss_capmismatch(), get_is_ibss_norate(), get_is_node_timeout(), get_is_ps_badaid(), get_is_ps_qempty(), get_is_ps_unassoc(), get_is_rx_acl(), get_is_rx_ahdemo_mgt(), get_is_rx_assoc_badwpaie(), get_is_rx_assoc_bss(), get_is_rx_assoc_capmismatch(), get_is_rx_assoc_norate(), get_is_rx_assoc_notauth(), get_is_rx_auth_countermeasures(), get_is_rx_auth_fail(), get_is_rx_auth_unsupported(), get_is_rx_bad_auth(), get_is_rx_badchan(), get_is_rx_badcipher(), get_is_rx_badkeyid(), get_is_rx_badsubtype(), get_is_rx_badversion(), get_is_rx_beacon(), get_is_rx_ccmpformat(), get_is_rx_ccmpmic(), get_is_rx_ccmpreplay(), get_is_rx_chanmismatch(), get_is_rx_ctl(), get_is_rx_deauth(), get_is_rx_decap(), get_is_rx_decryptcrc(), get_is_rx_disassoc(), get_is_rx_dup(), get_is_rx_elem_missing(), get_is_rx_elem_toobig(), get_is_rx_elem_toosmall(), get_is_rx_elem_unknown(), get_is_rx_mcastecho(), get_is_rx_mgtdiscard(), get_is_rx_nobuf(), get_is_rx_nocipherctx(), get_is_rx_nodealloc(), get_is_rx_noprivacy(), get_is_rx_notassoc(), get_is_rx_rstoobig(), get_is_rx_ssidmismatch(), get_is_rx_tkipformat(), get_is_rx_tkipicv(), get_is_rx_tkipmic(), get_is_rx_tkipreplay(), get_is_rx_tooshort(), get_is_rx_unauth(), get_is_rx_unencrypted(), get_is_rx_wepfail(), get_is_rx_wrongbss(), get_is_rx_wrongdir(), get_is_scan_active(), get_is_scan_passive(), get_is_tx_badcipher(), get_is_tx_nobuf(), get_is_tx_nodefkey(), get_is_tx_noheadroom(), get_is_tx_nonode(), and get_is_tx_unknownmgt().


Definition at line 53 of file itm.h.

Referenced by send_metric().


Definition at line 54 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_xian_stat_xian_float().

#define T_QUERY_MSG   0

Definition at line 59 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_ant_defswitch(), get_ast_ant_txswitch(), get_ast_be_nobuf(), get_ast_be_xmit(), get_ast_bmiss(), get_ast_bstuck(), get_ast_hardware(), get_ast_intrcoal(), get_ast_mib(), get_ast_per_cal(), get_ast_per_calfail(), get_ast_per_rfgain(), get_ast_rate_calls(), get_ast_rate_drop(), get_ast_rate_raise(), get_ast_rx_badcrypt(), get_ast_rx_badmic(), get_ast_rx_busdma(), get_ast_rx_crcerr(), get_ast_rx_ctl(), get_ast_rx_fifoerr(), get_ast_rx_mgt(), get_ast_rx_nobuf(), get_ast_rx_orn(), get_ast_rx_packets(), get_ast_rx_phyerr(), get_ast_rx_rssi(), get_ast_rx_toobig(), get_ast_rx_tooshort(), get_ast_rxeol(), get_ast_rxorn(), get_ast_tx_altrate(), get_ast_tx_badrate(), get_ast_tx_busdma(), get_ast_tx_cts(), get_ast_tx_ctsburst(), get_ast_tx_ctsext(), get_ast_tx_discard(), get_ast_tx_encap(), get_ast_tx_fifoerr(), get_ast_tx_filtered(), get_ast_tx_invalid(), get_ast_tx_linear(), get_ast_tx_longretry(), get_ast_tx_mgmt(), get_ast_tx_noack(), get_ast_tx_nobuf(), get_ast_tx_nobufmgt(), get_ast_tx_nodata(), get_ast_tx_nonode(), get_ast_tx_packets(), get_ast_tx_protect(), get_ast_tx_qstop(), get_ast_tx_rssi(), get_ast_tx_rts(), get_ast_tx_shortpre(), get_ast_tx_shortretry(), get_ast_tx_xretries(), get_ast_txurn(), get_ast_watchdog(), get_is_crypto_attachfail(), get_is_crypto_badcipher(), get_is_crypto_ccmp(), get_is_crypto_delkey(), get_is_crypto_enmicfail(), get_is_crypto_keyfail(), get_is_crypto_nocipher(), get_is_crypto_nomem(), get_is_crypto_setkey_cipher(), get_is_crypto_setkey_nokey(), get_is_crypto_swfallback(), get_is_crypto_tkip(), get_is_crypto_tkipcm(), get_is_crypto_tkipdemic(), get_is_crypto_tkipenmic(), get_is_crypto_wep(), get_is_ibss_capmismatch(), get_is_ibss_norate(), get_is_node_timeout(), get_is_ps_badaid(), get_is_ps_qempty(), get_is_ps_unassoc(), get_is_rx_acl(), get_is_rx_ahdemo_mgt(), get_is_rx_assoc_badwpaie(), get_is_rx_assoc_bss(), get_is_rx_assoc_capmismatch(), get_is_rx_assoc_norate(), get_is_rx_assoc_notauth(), get_is_rx_auth_countermeasures(), get_is_rx_auth_fail(), get_is_rx_auth_unsupported(), get_is_rx_bad_auth(), get_is_rx_badchan(), get_is_rx_badcipher(), get_is_rx_badkeyid(), get_is_rx_badsubtype(), get_is_rx_badversion(), get_is_rx_beacon(), get_is_rx_ccmpformat(), get_is_rx_ccmpmic(), get_is_rx_ccmpreplay(), get_is_rx_chanmismatch(), get_is_rx_ctl(), get_is_rx_deauth(), get_is_rx_decap(), get_is_rx_decryptcrc(), get_is_rx_disassoc(), get_is_rx_dup(), get_is_rx_elem_missing(), get_is_rx_elem_toobig(), get_is_rx_elem_toosmall(), get_is_rx_elem_unknown(), get_is_rx_mcastecho(), get_is_rx_mgtdiscard(), get_is_rx_nobuf(), get_is_rx_nocipherctx(), get_is_rx_nodealloc(), get_is_rx_noprivacy(), get_is_rx_notassoc(), get_is_rx_rstoobig(), get_is_rx_ssidmismatch(), get_is_rx_tkipformat(), get_is_rx_tkipicv(), get_is_rx_tkipmic(), get_is_rx_tkipreplay(), get_is_rx_tooshort(), get_is_rx_unauth(), get_is_rx_unencrypted(), get_is_rx_wepfail(), get_is_rx_wrongbss(), get_is_rx_wrongdir(), get_is_scan_active(), get_is_scan_passive(), get_is_tx_badcipher(), get_is_tx_nobuf(), get_is_tx_nodefkey(), get_is_tx_noheadroom(), get_is_tx_nonode(), get_is_tx_unknownmgt(), get_node_negotiated_rate(), get_node_on_tx_err(), get_node_on_tx_ok(), get_node_on_tx_retr(), get_node_ps_discard(), get_node_rssi(), get_node_rx_beacons(), get_node_rx_bytes(), get_node_rx_ctrl(), get_node_rx_data(), get_node_rx_deauth(), get_node_rx_decap(), get_node_rx_decryptcrc(), get_node_rx_defrag(), get_node_rx_demicfail(), get_node_rx_disassoc(), get_node_rx_dup(), get_node_rx_mcast(), get_node_rx_mgmt(), get_node_rx_noprivacy(), get_node_rx_proberesp(), get_node_rx_ucast(), get_node_rx_unauth(), get_node_rx_unencrypted(), get_node_rx_wepfail(), get_node_tx_assoc(), get_node_tx_assoc_fail(), get_node_tx_auth(), get_node_tx_auth_fail(), get_node_tx_bytes(), get_node_tx_data(), get_node_tx_deauth(), get_node_tx_deauth_code(), get_node_tx_disassoc(), get_node_tx_disassoc_code(), get_node_tx_mcast(), get_node_tx_mgmt(), get_node_tx_novlantag(), get_node_tx_probereq(), get_node_tx_ucast(), get_node_tx_vlanmismatch(), get_node_txpower(), and get_xian_stat_xian_float().

#define T_RESPONSE_MSG   1

Definition at line 60 of file itm.h.

#define T_ERROR_MSG   2

Definition at line 61 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_ant_defswitch(), get_ast_ant_txswitch(), get_ast_be_nobuf(), get_ast_be_xmit(), get_ast_bmiss(), get_ast_bstuck(), get_ast_hardware(), get_ast_intrcoal(), get_ast_mib(), get_ast_per_cal(), get_ast_per_calfail(), get_ast_per_rfgain(), get_ast_rate_calls(), get_ast_rate_drop(), get_ast_rate_raise(), get_ast_rx_badcrypt(), get_ast_rx_badmic(), get_ast_rx_busdma(), get_ast_rx_crcerr(), get_ast_rx_ctl(), get_ast_rx_fifoerr(), get_ast_rx_mgt(), get_ast_rx_nobuf(), get_ast_rx_orn(), get_ast_rx_packets(), get_ast_rx_phyerr(), get_ast_rx_rssi(), get_ast_rx_toobig(), get_ast_rx_tooshort(), get_ast_rxeol(), get_ast_rxorn(), get_ast_tx_altrate(), get_ast_tx_badrate(), get_ast_tx_busdma(), get_ast_tx_cts(), get_ast_tx_ctsburst(), get_ast_tx_ctsext(), get_ast_tx_discard(), get_ast_tx_encap(), get_ast_tx_fifoerr(), get_ast_tx_filtered(), get_ast_tx_invalid(), get_ast_tx_linear(), get_ast_tx_longretry(), get_ast_tx_mgmt(), get_ast_tx_noack(), get_ast_tx_nobuf(), get_ast_tx_nobufmgt(), get_ast_tx_nodata(), get_ast_tx_nonode(), get_ast_tx_packets(), get_ast_tx_protect(), get_ast_tx_qstop(), get_ast_tx_rssi(), get_ast_tx_rts(), get_ast_tx_shortpre(), get_ast_tx_shortretry(), get_ast_tx_xretries(), get_ast_txurn(), get_ast_watchdog(), get_is_crypto_attachfail(), get_is_crypto_badcipher(), get_is_crypto_ccmp(), get_is_crypto_delkey(), get_is_crypto_enmicfail(), get_is_crypto_keyfail(), get_is_crypto_nocipher(), get_is_crypto_nomem(), get_is_crypto_setkey_cipher(), get_is_crypto_setkey_nokey(), get_is_crypto_swfallback(), get_is_crypto_tkip(), get_is_crypto_tkipcm(), get_is_crypto_tkipdemic(), get_is_crypto_tkipenmic(), get_is_crypto_wep(), get_is_ibss_capmismatch(), get_is_ibss_norate(), get_is_node_timeout(), get_is_ps_badaid(), get_is_ps_qempty(), get_is_ps_unassoc(), get_is_rx_acl(), get_is_rx_ahdemo_mgt(), get_is_rx_assoc_badwpaie(), get_is_rx_assoc_bss(), get_is_rx_assoc_capmismatch(), get_is_rx_assoc_norate(), get_is_rx_assoc_notauth(), get_is_rx_auth_countermeasures(), get_is_rx_auth_fail(), get_is_rx_auth_unsupported(), get_is_rx_bad_auth(), get_is_rx_badchan(), get_is_rx_badcipher(), get_is_rx_badkeyid(), get_is_rx_badsubtype(), get_is_rx_badversion(), get_is_rx_beacon(), get_is_rx_ccmpformat(), get_is_rx_ccmpmic(), get_is_rx_ccmpreplay(), get_is_rx_chanmismatch(), get_is_rx_ctl(), get_is_rx_deauth(), get_is_rx_decap(), get_is_rx_decryptcrc(), get_is_rx_disassoc(), get_is_rx_dup(), get_is_rx_elem_missing(), get_is_rx_elem_toobig(), get_is_rx_elem_toosmall(), get_is_rx_elem_unknown(), get_is_rx_mcastecho(), get_is_rx_mgtdiscard(), get_is_rx_nobuf(), get_is_rx_nocipherctx(), get_is_rx_nodealloc(), get_is_rx_noprivacy(), get_is_rx_notassoc(), get_is_rx_rstoobig(), get_is_rx_ssidmismatch(), get_is_rx_tkipformat(), get_is_rx_tkipicv(), get_is_rx_tkipmic(), get_is_rx_tkipreplay(), get_is_rx_tooshort(), get_is_rx_unauth(), get_is_rx_unencrypted(), get_is_rx_wepfail(), get_is_rx_wrongbss(), get_is_rx_wrongdir(), get_is_scan_active(), get_is_scan_passive(), get_is_tx_badcipher(), get_is_tx_nobuf(), get_is_tx_nodefkey(), get_is_tx_noheadroom(), get_is_tx_nonode(), get_is_tx_unknownmgt(), get_node_negotiated_rate(), get_node_on_tx_err(), get_node_on_tx_ok(), get_node_on_tx_retr(), get_node_ps_discard(), get_node_rssi(), get_node_rx_beacons(), get_node_rx_bytes(), get_node_rx_ctrl(), get_node_rx_data(), get_node_rx_deauth(), get_node_rx_decap(), get_node_rx_decryptcrc(), get_node_rx_defrag(), get_node_rx_demicfail(), get_node_rx_disassoc(), get_node_rx_dup(), get_node_rx_mcast(), get_node_rx_mgmt(), get_node_rx_noprivacy(), get_node_rx_proberesp(), get_node_rx_ucast(), get_node_rx_unauth(), get_node_rx_unencrypted(), get_node_rx_wepfail(), get_node_tx_assoc(), get_node_tx_assoc_fail(), get_node_tx_auth(), get_node_tx_auth_fail(), get_node_tx_bytes(), get_node_tx_data(), get_node_tx_deauth(), get_node_tx_deauth_code(), get_node_tx_disassoc(), get_node_tx_disassoc_code(), get_node_tx_mcast(), get_node_tx_mgmt(), get_node_tx_novlantag(), get_node_tx_probereq(), get_node_tx_ucast(), get_node_tx_vlanmismatch(), get_node_txpower(), get_xian_stat_xian_float(), and send_metric().

#define T_SEND_MSG   3

Definition at line 62 of file itm.h.

Referenced by send_metric().

#define NODE_RX_DATA   0

Definition at line 70 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_data().

#define NODE_RX_MGMT   1

Definition at line 71 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_mgmt().

#define NODE_RX_CTRL   2

Definition at line 72 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_ctrl().

#define NODE_RX_UCAST   3

Definition at line 73 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_ucast().

#define NODE_RX_MCAST   4

Definition at line 74 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_mcast().

#define NODE_RX_BYTES   5

Definition at line 75 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_bytes().

#define NODE_RX_BEACONS   6

Definition at line 76 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_beacons().


Definition at line 77 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_proberesp().

#define NODE_RX_DUP   8

Definition at line 78 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_dup().


Definition at line 79 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_noprivacy().

#define NODE_RX_WEPFAIL   10

Definition at line 80 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_wepfail().

#define NODE_RX_DEMICFAIL   11

Definition at line 81 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_demicfail().

#define NODE_RX_DECAP   12

Definition at line 82 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_decap().

#define NODE_RX_DEFRAG   13

Definition at line 83 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_defrag().

#define NODE_RX_DISASSOC   14

Definition at line 84 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_disassoc().

#define NODE_RX_DEAUTH   15

Definition at line 85 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_deauth().


Definition at line 86 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_decryptcrc().

#define NODE_RX_UNAUTH   17

Definition at line 87 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_unauth().


Definition at line 88 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rx_unencrypted().

#define NODE_TX_DATA   19

Definition at line 90 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_data().

#define NODE_TX_MGMT   20

Definition at line 91 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_mgmt().

#define NODE_TX_UCAST   21

Definition at line 92 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_ucast().

#define NODE_TX_MCAST   22

Definition at line 93 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_mcast().

#define NODE_TX_BYTES   23

Definition at line 94 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_bytes().

#define NODE_TX_PROBEREQ   24

Definition at line 95 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_probereq().

#define NODE_TX_NOVLANTAG   25

Definition at line 96 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_novlantag().


Definition at line 97 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_vlanmismatch().

#define NODE_PS_DISCARD   27

Definition at line 98 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_ps_discard().

#define NODE_TX_ASSOC   28

Definition at line 99 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_assoc().

#define NODE_TX_ASSOC_FAIL   29

Definition at line 100 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_assoc_fail().

#define NODE_TX_AUTH   30

Definition at line 101 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_auth().

#define NODE_TX_AUTH_FAIL   31

Definition at line 102 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_auth_fail().

#define NODE_TX_DEAUTH   32

Definition at line 103 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_deauth().

#define NODE_TX_DEAUTH_CODE   33

Definition at line 104 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_deauth_code().

#define NODE_TX_DISASSOC   34

Definition at line 105 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_disassoc().


Definition at line 106 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_tx_disassoc_code().

#define NODE_TXPOWER   36

Definition at line 108 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_txpower().


Definition at line 109 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_negotiated_rate().

#define NODE_RSSI   38

Definition at line 110 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_rssi().

#define AST_WATCHDOG   39

Definition at line 114 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_watchdog(), and get_metric().

#define AST_HARDWARE   40

Definition at line 115 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_hardware(), and get_metric().

#define AST_BMISS   41

Definition at line 116 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_bmiss(), and get_metric().

#define AST_BSTUCK   42

Definition at line 117 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_bstuck(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RXORN   43

Definition at line 118 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rxorn(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RXEOL   44

Definition at line 119 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rxeol(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TXURN   45

Definition at line 120 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_txurn(), and get_metric().

#define AST_MIB   46

Definition at line 121 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_mib(), and get_metric().

#define AST_INTRCOAL   47

Definition at line 122 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_intrcoal(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_PACKETS   48

Definition at line 123 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_packets(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_MGMT   49

Definition at line 124 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_mgmt(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_DISCARD   50

Definition at line 125 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_discard(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_INVALID   51

Definition at line 126 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_invalid(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_QSTOP   52

Definition at line 127 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_qstop(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_ENCAP   53

Definition at line 128 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_encap(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_NONODE   54

Definition at line 129 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_nonode(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_NOBUF   55

Definition at line 130 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_nobuf(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_NOBUFMGT   56

Definition at line 131 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_nobufmgt(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_LINEAR   57

Definition at line 132 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_linear(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_NODATA   58

Definition at line 133 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_nodata(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_BUSDMA   59

Definition at line 134 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_busdma(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_XRETRIES   60

Definition at line 135 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_xretries(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_FIFOERR   61

Definition at line 137 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_fifoerr(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_FILTERED   62

Definition at line 138 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_filtered(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_SHORTRETRY   63

Definition at line 139 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_shortretry(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_LONGRETRY   64

Definition at line 140 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_longretry(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_BADRATE   65

Definition at line 141 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_badrate(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_NOACK   66

Definition at line 142 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_noack(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_RTS   67

Definition at line 143 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_rts(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_CTS   68

Definition at line 144 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_cts(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_SHORTPRE   69

Definition at line 145 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_shortpre(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_ALTRATE   70

Definition at line 146 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_altrate(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_PROTECT   71

Definition at line 147 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_protect(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_CTSBURST   72

Definition at line 148 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_ctsburst(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_CTSEXT   73

Definition at line 149 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_ctsext(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_NOBUF   74

Definition at line 150 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_nobuf(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_BUSDMA   75

Definition at line 151 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_busdma(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_ORN   76

Definition at line 152 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_orn(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_CRCERR   77

Definition at line 153 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_crcerr(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_FIFOERR   78

Definition at line 154 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_fifoerr(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_BADCRYPT   79

Definition at line 155 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_badcrypt(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_BADMIC   80

Definition at line 156 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_badmic(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_PHYERR   81

Definition at line 157 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_phyerr(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_TOOSHORT   82

Definition at line 158 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_tooshort(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_TOOBIG   83

Definition at line 159 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_toobig(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_PACKETS   84

Definition at line 160 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_packets(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_MGT   85

Definition at line 161 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_mgt(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_CTL   86

Definition at line 162 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_ctl(), and get_metric().

#define AST_TX_RSSI   87

Definition at line 163 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_tx_rssi(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RX_RSSI   88

Definition at line 164 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rx_rssi(), and get_metric().

#define AST_BE_XMIT   89

Definition at line 165 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_be_xmit(), and get_metric().

#define AST_BE_NOBUF   90

Definition at line 166 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_be_nobuf(), and get_metric().

#define AST_PER_CAL   91

Definition at line 167 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_per_cal(), and get_metric().

#define AST_PER_CALFAIL   92

Definition at line 168 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_per_calfail(), and get_metric().

#define AST_PER_RFGAIN   93

Definition at line 169 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_per_rfgain(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RATE_CALLS   94

Definition at line 170 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rate_calls(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RATE_RAISE   95

Definition at line 171 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rate_raise(), and get_metric().

#define AST_RATE_DROP   96

Definition at line 172 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_rate_drop(), and get_metric().

#define AST_ANT_DEFSWITCH   97

Definition at line 173 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_ant_defswitch(), and get_metric().

#define AST_ANT_TXSWITCH   98

Definition at line 174 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_ast_ant_txswitch(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_BADVERSION   99

Definition at line 178 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_badversion(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_TOOSHORT   100

Definition at line 179 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_tooshort(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_WRONGBSS   101

Definition at line 180 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_wrongbss(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_DUP   102

Definition at line 181 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_dup(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_WRONGDIR   103

Definition at line 182 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_wrongdir(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_MCASTECHO   104

Definition at line 183 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_mcastecho(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_NOTASSOC   105

Definition at line 184 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_notassoc(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_NOPRIVACY   106

Definition at line 185 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_noprivacy(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_UNENCRYPTED   107

Definition at line 186 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_unencrypted(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_WEPFAIL   108

Definition at line 187 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_wepfail(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_DECAP   109

Definition at line 188 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_decap(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_MGTDISCARD   110

Definition at line 189 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_mgtdiscard(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_CTL   111

Definition at line 190 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_ctl(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_BEACON   112

Definition at line 191 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_beacon(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_RSTOOBIG   113

Definition at line 192 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_rstoobig(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_ELEM_MISSING   114

Definition at line 193 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_elem_missing(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_ELEM_TOOBIG   115

Definition at line 194 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_elem_toobig(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_ELEM_TOOSMALL   116

Definition at line 195 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_elem_toosmall(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_ELEM_UNKNOWN   117

Definition at line 196 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_elem_unknown(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_BADCHAN   118

Definition at line 197 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_badchan(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_CHANMISMATCH   119

Definition at line 198 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_chanmismatch(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_NODEALLOC   120

Definition at line 199 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_nodealloc(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_SSIDMISMATCH   121

Definition at line 200 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_ssidmismatch(), and get_metric().


Definition at line 201 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_auth_unsupported(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_AUTH_FAIL   123

Definition at line 202 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_auth_fail(), and get_metric().


Definition at line 203 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_auth_countermeasures(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_ASSOC_BSS   125

Definition at line 204 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_assoc_bss(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_ASSOC_NOTAUTH   126

Definition at line 205 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_assoc_notauth(), and get_metric().


Definition at line 206 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_assoc_capmismatch(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_ASSOC_NORATE   128

Definition at line 207 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_assoc_norate(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_ASSOC_BADWPAIE   129

Definition at line 208 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_assoc_badwpaie(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_DEAUTH   130

Definition at line 209 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_deauth(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_DISASSOC   131

Definition at line 210 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_disassoc(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_BADSUBTYPE   132

Definition at line 211 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_badsubtype(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_NOBUF   133

Definition at line 212 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_nobuf(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_DECRYPTCRC   134

Definition at line 213 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_decryptcrc(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_AHDEMO_MGT   135

Definition at line 214 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_ahdemo_mgt(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_BAD_AUTH   136

Definition at line 215 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_bad_auth(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_UNAUTH   137

Definition at line 216 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_unauth(), and get_metric().

#define IS_RX_BADKEYID   138

Definition at line 217 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_badkeyid().

#define IS_RX_CCMPREPLAY   139

Definition at line 218 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_ccmpreplay().

#define IS_RX_CCMPFORMAT   140

Definition at line 219 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_ccmpformat().

#define IS_RX_CCMPMIC   141

Definition at line 220 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_ccmpmic().

#define IS_RX_TKIPREPLAY   142

Definition at line 221 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_tkipreplay().

#define IS_RX_TKIPFORMAT   143

Definition at line 222 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_tkipformat().

#define IS_RX_TKIPMIC   144

Definition at line 223 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_tkipmic().

#define IS_RX_TKIPICV   145

Definition at line 224 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_tkipicv().

#define IS_RX_BADCIPHER   146

Definition at line 225 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_badcipher().

#define IS_RX_NOCIPHERCTX   147

Definition at line 226 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_nocipherctx().

#define IS_RX_ACL   148

Definition at line 227 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_rx_acl().

#define IS_TX_NOBUF   149

Definition at line 228 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_tx_nobuf().

#define IS_TX_NONODE   150

Definition at line 229 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_tx_nonode().

#define IS_TX_UNKNOWNMGT   151

Definition at line 230 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_tx_unknownmgt().

#define IS_TX_BADCIPHER   152

Definition at line 231 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_tx_badcipher().

#define IS_TX_NODEFKEY   153

Definition at line 232 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_tx_nodefkey().

#define IS_TX_NOHEADROOM   154

Definition at line 233 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_tx_noheadroom().

#define IS_SCAN_ACTIVE   155

Definition at line 234 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_scan_active().

#define IS_SCAN_PASSIVE   156

Definition at line 235 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_scan_passive().

#define IS_NODE_TIMEOUT   157

Definition at line 236 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_node_timeout().

#define IS_CRYPTO_NOMEM   158

Definition at line 237 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_nomem().

#define IS_CRYPTO_TKIP   159

Definition at line 238 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_tkip().


Definition at line 239 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_tkipenmic().


Definition at line 240 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_tkipdemic().

#define IS_CRYPTO_TKIPCM   162

Definition at line 241 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_tkipcm().

#define IS_CRYPTO_CCMP   163

Definition at line 242 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_ccmp().

#define IS_CRYPTO_WEP   164

Definition at line 243 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_wep().


Definition at line 244 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_setkey_cipher().


Definition at line 245 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_setkey_nokey().

#define IS_CRYPTO_DELKEY   167

Definition at line 246 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_delkey().


Definition at line 247 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_badcipher().

#define IS_CRYPTO_NOCIPHER   169

Definition at line 248 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_nocipher().


Definition at line 249 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_attachfail().


Definition at line 250 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_swfallback().

#define IS_CRYPTO_KEYFAIL   172

Definition at line 251 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_keyfail().


Definition at line 252 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_crypto_enmicfail().


Definition at line 253 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_ibss_capmismatch().

#define IS_IBSS_NORATE   175

Definition at line 254 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_ibss_norate().

#define IS_PS_UNASSOC   176

Definition at line 255 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_ps_unassoc().

#define IS_PS_BADAID   177

Definition at line 256 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_ps_badaid().

#define IS_PS_QEMPTY   178

Definition at line 257 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_is_ps_qempty().

#define NODE_ON_TX_ERR   179

Definition at line 261 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_on_tx_err().

#define NODE_ON_TX_OK   180

Definition at line 262 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_on_tx_ok().

#define NODE_ON_TX_RETR   181

Definition at line 263 of file itm.h.

Referenced by get_metric(), and get_node_on_tx_retr().

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum type_metric_t


Definition at line 283 of file itm.h.

Generated on Mon Jan 21 12:31:47 2008 for XIAN by  doxygen 1.5.3