/home/tai/chorist/xian-1.2/src/include/usi.h File Reference

#include "errors.h"
#include "itm.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct xian_float xian_float_add (struct xian_float a, struct xian_float b)
 This function returns the addition between a and b.
struct xian_float xian_float_mult (struct xian_float a, struct xian_float b)
 This function returns the multiplication between a and b.
struct xian_float xian_float_div (struct xian_float a, struct xian_float b)
 This function returns the division of a by b.
int xian_float_cmp (struct xian_float a, struct xian_float b)
 This function compare a and b.
struct xian_float int2xian_float (unsigned int x)
 This function converts an int x to a xian_float(x/1).
float xian_float2float (struct xian_float x)
 This function converts an xian_float x to an int.
void insert_metric (struct qos_metric_proto_msg *msg, unsigned int type, unsigned int id, unsigned long long value)
 This function allows to build a XIAN message with a metric.
void send_metric (char *macadd, char *dev_name, struct qos_metric_proto_msg msg, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to send a metric included in a frame to a node.
struct xian_float get_xian_stat_xian_float (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int id_conf, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows the acces of the value of the metric.
float get_xian_stat_float (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int id_conf, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows the acces of the valu of the metric.
unsigned int get_node_rx_data (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx data frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_mgmt (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx mgmt frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_ctrl (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx control frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_ucast (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx unicast frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_mcast (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
unsigned long long get_node_rx_bytes (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx data count (bytes) stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned long long get_node_rx_beacons (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx beacon frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_proberesp (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx probe response frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_dup (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx discard 'cuz dup stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_noprivacy (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx w/ wep but privacy off stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_wepfail (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx wep processing failed stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_demicfail (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx demic failed stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_decap (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx decapsulation failed stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_defrag (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx defragmentation failed stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_disassoc (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx disassociation stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_deauth (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx deauthentication stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_decryptcrc (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx decrypt failed on crc stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_unauth (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx on unauthorized port stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_rx_unencrypted (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rx unecrypted w/ privacy stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_data (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx data frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_mgmt (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx management frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_ucast (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx unicast frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_mcast (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx multi/broadcast frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned long long get_node_tx_bytes (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx data count (bytes) stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_probereq (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx probe request frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_novlantag (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx discard 'cuz no tag stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_vlanmismatch (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx discard 'cuz bad tag stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_ps_discard (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get ps discard 'cuz of age stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_assoc (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get [re]associations stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_assoc_fail (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get [re]association failures stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_auth (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get [re]authentications stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_tx_auth_fail (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get [re]authentication failures stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.
unsigned int get_node_tx_deauth (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get deauthentications stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.
unsigned int get_node_tx_deauth_code (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get last deauthification reason (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.
unsigned int get_node_tx_disassoc (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get disassociations stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.
unsigned int get_node_tx_disassoc_code (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get last disassociation code reason (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.
unsigned char get_node_txpower (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get transmit power metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned char get_node_negotiated_rate (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get negotiated rate metric of a given node in function of its mac address.
unsigned char get_node_rssi (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get rssi metric of given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_on_tx_err (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx !ok packet count metric (error count of tx frame with no ack) of given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_on_tx_ok (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx ok packet count metric of given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_node_on_tx_retr (char *macadd, char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx retry count metric of given node in function of its mac adress.
unsigned int get_ast_watchdog (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of device reset by watchdog.
unsigned int get_ast_hardware (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of fatal hardware error interrupts.
unsigned int get_ast_bmiss (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of beacon miss interrupts.
unsigned int get_ast_bstuck (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of beacon stuck interrupts.
unsigned int get_ast_rxorn (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx overrun interrupts.
unsigned int get_ast_rxeol (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx eol interrupts.
unsigned int get_ast_txurn (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx underrun interrupts.
unsigned int get_ast_mib (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of mib interrupts.
unsigned int get_ast_intrcoal (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of interrupts coalesced.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_packets (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of packet sent on the interface.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_mgmt (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of management frames transmitted.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_discard (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of frames discarded prior to assoc.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_invalid (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of frames discarded 'cuz device gone.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_qstop (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of output stopped 'cuz no buffer.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_encap (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx encapsulation failed.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_nonode (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no node.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_nobuf (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no tx buffer (data).
unsigned int get_ast_tx_nobufmgt (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no tx buffer (mgmt).
unsigned int get_ast_tx_linear (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx linearized to cluster.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_nodata (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx discarded empty frame.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_busdma (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed for dma resrcs.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_xretries (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz too many retries.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_fifoerr (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz FIFO underrun.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_filtered (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz xmit filtered.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_shortretry (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx on-chip retries (short).
unsigned int get_ast_tx_longretry (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx on-chip retries (long).
unsigned int get_ast_tx_badrate (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get tx number of failed 'cuz bogus xmit rate.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_noack (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx frames with no ack marked.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_rts (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx frames with rts enabled.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_cts (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx frames with cts enabled.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_shortpre (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx frames with short preamble.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_altrate (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx frames with alternate rate.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_protect (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx frames with protection.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_ctsburst (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx frames with cts and bursting.
unsigned int get_ast_tx_ctsext (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx frames with cts extension.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_nobuf (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx setup failed 'cuz no skb.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_busdma (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx setup failed for dma resrcs.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_orn (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz of desc overrun.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_crcerr (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz of bad CRC.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_fifoerr (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz of FIFO overrun.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_badcrypt (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz decryption.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_badmic (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz MIC failure.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_phyerr (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz of PHY err.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_tooshort (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discarded 'cuz frame too short.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_toobig (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discarded 'cuz frame too large.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_packets (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of packets recv on the interface.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_mgt (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of management frames received.
unsigned int get_ast_rx_ctl (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discarded 'cuz ctl frame.
unsigned char get_ast_tx_rssi (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx rssi of last ack.
unsigned char get_ast_rx_rssi (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx rssi from histogram.
unsigned int get_ast_be_xmit (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of beacons transmitted.
unsigned int get_ast_be_nobuf (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of beacon setup failed 'cuz no skb.
unsigned int get_ast_per_cal (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of periodic calibration calls.
unsigned int get_ast_per_calfail (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of periodic calibration failed.
unsigned int get_ast_per_rfgain (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of periodic calibration rfgain reset.
unsigned int get_ast_rate_calls (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rate control checks.
unsigned int get_ast_rate_raise (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rate control raised xmit rate.
unsigned int get_ast_rate_drop (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rate control dropped xmit rate.
unsigned int get_ast_ant_defswitch (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx/default antenna switches.
unsigned int get_ast_ant_txswitch (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx antenna switches.
unsigned int get_is_rx_badversion (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of frame with bad version.
unsigned int get_is_rx_tooshort (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx frame too short.
unsigned int get_is_rx_wrongbss (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx from wrong bssid.
unsigned int get_is_rx_dup (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discard 'cuz dup.
unsigned int get_is_rx_wrongdir (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx w/ wrong direction.
unsigned int get_is_rx_mcastecho (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discard 'cuz mcast echo.
unsigned int get_is_rx_notassoc (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discard 'cuz sta !assoc.
unsigned int get_is_rx_noprivacy (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx w/ wep but privacy off.
unsigned int get_is_rx_unencrypted (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx w/o wep and privacy on.
unsigned int get_is_rx_wepfail (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx wep processing failed.
unsigned int get_is_rx_decap (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx decapsulation failed.
unsigned int get_is_rx_mgtdiscard (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discard mgt frames.
unsigned int get_is_rx_ctl (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discard ctrl frames.
unsigned int get_is_rx_beacon (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx beacon frames.
unsigned int get_is_rx_rstoobig (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx rate set truncated.
unsigned int get_is_rx_elem_missing (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx required element missing.
unsigned int get_is_rx_elem_toobig (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx element too big.
unsigned int get_is_rx_elem_toosmall (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx element too small.
unsigned int get_is_rx_elem_unknown (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx element unknown.
unsigned int get_is_rx_badchan (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx frame w/ invalid chan.
unsigned int get_is_rx_chanmismatch (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx frame chan mismatch.
unsigned int get_is_rx_nodealloc (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx frame dropped.
unsigned int get_is_rx_ssidmismatch (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx frame ssid mismatch.
unsigned int get_is_rx_auth_unsupported (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx w/ unsupported auth alg.
unsigned int get_is_rx_auth_fail (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx sta auth failure.
unsigned int get_is_rx_auth_countermeasures (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx auth discard 'cuz CM.
unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_bss (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx assoc from wrong bssid.
unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_notauth (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx assoc w/o auth.
unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_capmismatch (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx assoc w/ cap mismatch.
unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_norate (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number rx assoc w/ no rate match.
unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_badwpaie (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx assoc w/ bad WPA IE.
unsigned int get_is_rx_deauth (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx deauthentication.
unsigned int get_is_rx_disassoc (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx disassociation.
unsigned int get_is_rx_badsubtype (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx frame w/ unknown subtype.
unsigned int get_is_rx_nobuf (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx failed for lack of buf.
unsigned int get_is_rx_decryptcrc (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx decrypt failed on crc.
unsigned int get_is_rx_ahdemo_mgt (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discard ahdemo mgt frame.
unsigned int get_is_rx_bad_auth (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx bad auth request.
unsigned int get_is_rx_unauth (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx on unauthorized port.
unsigned int get_is_rx_badkeyid (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx w/ incorrect keyid.
unsigned int get_is_rx_ccmpreplay (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx seq# violation (CCMP).
unsigned int get_is_rx_ccmpformat (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx format bad (CCMP).
unsigned int get_is_rx_ccmpmic (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx MIC check failed (CCMP).
unsigned int get_is_rx_tkipreplay (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx seq# violation (TKIP).
unsigned int get_is_rx_tkipformat (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx format bad (TKIP).
unsigned int get_is_rx_tkipmic (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx MIC check failed (TKIP).
unsigned int get_is_rx_tkipicv (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx ICV check failed (TKIP).
unsigned int get_is_rx_badcipher (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz key type.
unsigned int get_is_rx_nocipherctx (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz key !setup.
unsigned int get_is_rx_acl (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of rx discard 'cuz acl policy.
unsigned int get_is_tx_nobuf (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed for lack of buf.
unsigned int get_is_tx_nonode (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed for no node.
unsigned int get_is_tx_unknownmgt (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx of unknown mgt frame.
unsigned int get_is_tx_badcipher (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz key type.
unsigned int get_is_tx_nodefkey (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no defkey.
unsigned int get_is_tx_noheadroom (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no space.
unsigned int get_is_scan_active (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of active scans started.
unsigned int get_is_scan_passive (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of passive scans started.
unsigned int get_is_node_timeout (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of nodes timed out inactivity.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_nomem (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of no memory for crypto ctx.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_tkip (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tkip crypto done in s/w.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_tkipenmic (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tkip en-MIC done in s/w.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_tkipdemic (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tkip de-MIC done in s/w.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_tkipcm (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of tkip counter measures.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_ccmp (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of ccmp crypto done in s/w.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_wep (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of wep crypto done in s/w.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_setkey_cipher (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of cipher rejected key.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_setkey_nokey (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of no key index for setkey.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_delkey (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of driver key delete failed.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_badcipher (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of unknown cipher.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_nocipher (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of cipher not available.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_attachfail (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of cipher attach failed.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_swfallback (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of cipher fallback to s/w.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_keyfail (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of driver key alloc failed.
unsigned int get_is_crypto_enmicfail (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of en-MIC failed.
unsigned int get_is_ibss_capmismatch (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of merge failed-cap mismatch.
unsigned int get_is_ibss_norate (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of merge failed-rate mismatch.
unsigned int get_is_ps_unassoc (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of ps-poll for unassoc.
unsigned int get_is_ps_badaid (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of ps-poll w/ incorrect aid.
unsigned int get_is_ps_qempty (char *dev_name, unsigned int *code_err)
 This function allows to get number of ps-poll w/ nothing to send.

Function Documentation

struct xian_float xian_float_add ( struct xian_float  a,
struct xian_float  b 
) [read]

This function returns the addition between a and b.

a a struct xian_float
b a struct xian_float
struct xian_float the result of the addition

Definition at line 101 of file usi.c.

struct xian_float xian_float_mult ( struct xian_float  a,
struct xian_float  b 
) [read]

This function returns the multiplication between a and b.

a a struct xian_float
b a struct xian_float
struct xian_float the result of the multiplication

Definition at line 124 of file usi.c.

Referenced by xian_float_div().

struct xian_float xian_float_div ( struct xian_float  a,
struct xian_float  b 
) [read]

This function returns the division of a by b.

a a struct xian_float
b a struct xian_float
struct xian_float the result of the division

Definition at line 137 of file usi.c.

int xian_float_cmp ( struct xian_float  a,
struct xian_float  b 

This function compare a and b.

a a struct xian_float
b a struct xian_float
int 1 if a>b, -1 if a<b and 0 if a=b

Definition at line 155 of file usi.c.

struct xian_float int2xian_float ( unsigned int  x  )  [read]

This function converts an int x to a xian_float(x/1).

x an int
struct xian_float x/1

Definition at line 175 of file usi.c.

Referenced by get_metric().

float xian_float2float ( struct xian_float  x  ) 

This function converts an xian_float x to an int.

x a struct xian_float
struct xian_float x/1

Definition at line 187 of file usi.c.

void insert_metric ( struct qos_metric_proto_msg msg,
unsigned int  type,
unsigned int  id,
unsigned long long  value 

This function allows to build a XIAN message with a metric.

msg the XIAN message
type the metric
id id of the metric
value value of the metric

Definition at line 278 of file usi.c.

void send_metric ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
struct qos_metric_proto_msg  msg,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to send a metric included in a frame to a node.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
msg the XIAN metric
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.

Definition at line 297 of file usi.c.

struct xian_float get_xian_stat_xian_float ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int  id_conf,
unsigned int *  code_err 
) [read]

This function allows the acces of the value of the metric.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
id_conf unsigned int representing the metric
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
struct xian_float

Definition at line 204 of file usi.c.

Referenced by get_xian_stat_float().

float get_xian_stat_float ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int  id_conf,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows the acces of the valu of the metric.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
id_conf unsigned int representing the metric
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.

Definition at line 256 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_data ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx data frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx data frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 339 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_mgmt ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx mgmt frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx mgmt frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 393 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_ctrl ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx control frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx control frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 445 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_ucast ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx unicast frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx unicast frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 497 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_mcast ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

Definition at line 549 of file usi.c.

unsigned long long get_node_rx_bytes ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx data count (bytes) stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx data count (bytes) stats metric of the node

Definition at line 600 of file usi.c.

unsigned long long get_node_rx_beacons ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx beacon frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx beacon frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 652 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_proberesp ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx probe response frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx probe response frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 704 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_dup ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx discard 'cuz dup stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx discard 'cuz dup stats metric of the node

Definition at line 756 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_noprivacy ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx w/ wep but privacy off stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx w/ wep but privacy off stats metric of the node

Definition at line 808 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_wepfail ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx wep processing failed stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx wep processing failed stats metric of the node

Definition at line 859 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_demicfail ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx demic failed stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx demic failed stats metric of the node

Definition at line 911 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_decap ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx decapsulation failed stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx decapsulation failed stats metric of the node

Definition at line 962 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_defrag ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx defragmentation failed stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx defragmentation failed stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1014 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_disassoc ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx disassociation stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx disassociation stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1066 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_deauth ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx deauthentication stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx deauthentication stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1118 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_decryptcrc ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx decrypt failed on crc stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx decrypt failed on crc stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1170 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_unauth ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx on unauthorized port stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx on unauthorized port stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1221 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_rx_unencrypted ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rx unecrypted w/ privacy stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rx unecrypted w/ privacy stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1273 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_data ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx data frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx data frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1324 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_mgmt ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx management frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx management frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1376 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_ucast ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx unicast frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx unicast frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1427 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_mcast ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx multi/broadcast frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx multi/broadcast frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1478 of file usi.c.

unsigned long long get_node_tx_bytes ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx data count (bytes) stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx data count (bytes) stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1530 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_probereq ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx probe request frames stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx probe request frames stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1582 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_novlantag ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx discard 'cuz no tag stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx discard 'cuz no tag stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1633 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_vlanmismatch ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx discard 'cuz bad tag stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx discard 'cuz bad tag stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1684 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_ps_discard ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get ps discard 'cuz of age stats metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
ps discard 'cuz of age stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1737 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_assoc ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get [re]associations stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
[re]associations stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1788 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_assoc_fail ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get [re]association failures stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
[re]associations failures stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1840 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_auth ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get [re]authentications stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
[re]authentications stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1891 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_auth_fail ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get [re]authentication failures stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
[re]authentication failures stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1943 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_deauth ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get deauthentications stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
deauthentications stats metric of the node

Definition at line 1995 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_deauth_code ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get last deauthification reason (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
last deauthification reason of the node

Definition at line 2047 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_disassoc ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get disassociations stats metric (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
disassociations stats metric of the node

Definition at line 2099 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_tx_disassoc_code ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get last disassociation code reason (MIB-related state) of a given node in function of its mac addr.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
last disassociation code reason of the node

Definition at line 2151 of file usi.c.

unsigned char get_node_txpower ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get transmit power metric of a given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
txpower metric of the node

Definition at line 2203 of file usi.c.

unsigned char get_node_negotiated_rate ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get negotiated rate metric of a given node in function of its mac address.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
negotiated rate metric of the node

Definition at line 2255 of file usi.c.

unsigned char get_node_rssi ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get rssi metric of given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
rssi metric of the node

Definition at line 2307 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_on_tx_err ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx !ok packet count metric (error count of tx frame with no ack) of given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx !ok packet count for the node (error count of tx frame with no ack)

Definition at line 2360 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_on_tx_ok ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx ok packet count metric of given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx ok packet count for the node

Definition at line 2412 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_node_on_tx_retr ( char *  macadd,
char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx retry count metric of given node in function of its mac adress.

macadd MAC Address of a specified node formatted as follow XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
tx retry packet count for the node

Definition at line 2465 of file usi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_watchdog ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of device reset by watchdog.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of device reset by watchdog

Definition at line 1084 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_hardware ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of fatal hardware error interrupts.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of fatal hardware error interrupts

Definition at line 1122 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_bmiss ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of beacon miss interrupts.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of beacon miss interrupts

Definition at line 1160 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_bstuck ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of beacon stuck interrupts.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of beacon stuck interrupts

Definition at line 1198 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rxorn ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx overrun interrupts.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx overrun interrupts

Definition at line 1241 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rxeol ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx eol interrupts.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx eol interrupts

Definition at line 1279 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_txurn ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx underrun interrupts.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx underrun interrupts

Definition at line 1317 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_mib ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of mib interrupts.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of mib interrupts

Definition at line 1355 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_intrcoal ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of interrupts coalesced.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of interrupts coalesced

Definition at line 1393 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_packets ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of packet sent on the interface.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of packet sent on the interface

Definition at line 1436 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_mgmt ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of management frames transmitted.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of management frames transmitted

Definition at line 1474 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_discard ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of frames discarded prior to assoc.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of frames discarded prior to assoc

Definition at line 1512 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_invalid ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of frames discarded 'cuz device gone.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of frames discarded 'cuz device gone

Definition at line 1550 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_qstop ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of output stopped 'cuz no buffer.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of output stopped 'cuz no buffer

Definition at line 1588 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_encap ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx encapsulation failed.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx encapsulation failed

Definition at line 1626 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_nonode ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no node.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz no node

Definition at line 1664 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_nobuf ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no tx buffer (data).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz no tx buffer (data)

Definition at line 1702 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_nobufmgt ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no tx buffer (mgmt).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz no tx buffer (mgmt)

Definition at line 1740 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_linear ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx linearized to cluster.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx linearized to cluster

Definition at line 1778 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_nodata ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx discarded empty frame.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx discarded empty frame

Definition at line 1821 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_busdma ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed for dma resrcs.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed for dma resrcs

Definition at line 1864 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_xretries ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz too many retries.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz too many retries

Definition at line 1907 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_fifoerr ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz FIFO underrun.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz FIFO underrun

Definition at line 1945 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_filtered ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz xmit filtered.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz xmit filtered

Definition at line 1983 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_shortretry ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx on-chip retries (short).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx on-chip retries (short)

Definition at line 2021 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_longretry ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx on-chip retries (long).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx on-chip retries (long)

Definition at line 2059 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_badrate ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get tx number of failed 'cuz bogus xmit rate.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz bogus xmit rate

Definition at line 2097 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_noack ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx frames with no ack marked.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx frames with no ack marked

Definition at line 2135 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_rts ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx frames with rts enabled.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx frames with rts enabled

Definition at line 2173 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_cts ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx frames with cts enabled.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx frames with cts enabled

Definition at line 2211 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_shortpre ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx frames with short preamble.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx frames with short preamble

Definition at line 2249 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_altrate ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx frames with alternate rate.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx frames with alternate rate

Definition at line 2287 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_protect ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx frames with protection.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx frames with protection

Definition at line 2325 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_ctsburst ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx frames with cts and bursting.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx frames with cts and bursting

Definition at line 2363 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_tx_ctsext ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx frames with cts extension.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx frames with cts extension

Definition at line 2406 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_nobuf ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx setup failed 'cuz no skb.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx setup failed 'cuz no skb

Definition at line 2449 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_busdma ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx setup failed for dma resrcs.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx setup failed for dma resrcs

Definition at line 2487 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_orn ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz of desc overrun.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx failed 'cuz of desc overrun

Definition at line 2530 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_crcerr ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz of bad CRC.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx failed 'cuz of bad CRC

Definition at line 2568 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_fifoerr ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz of FIFO overrun.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx failed 'cuz of FIFO overrun

Definition at line 2606 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_badcrypt ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz decryption.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx failed 'cuz decryption

Definition at line 2644 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_badmic ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz MIC failure.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx failed 'cuz MIC failure

Definition at line 2682 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_phyerr ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz of PHY err.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx failed 'cuz of PHY err

Definition at line 2720 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_tooshort ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discarded 'cuz frame too short.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discarded 'cuz frame too short

Definition at line 2758 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_toobig ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discarded 'cuz frame too large.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discarded 'cuz frame too large

Definition at line 2796 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_packets ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of packets recv on the interface.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of packets recv on the interface

Definition at line 2834 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_mgt ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of management frames received.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of management frames received

Definition at line 2872 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rx_ctl ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discarded 'cuz ctl frame.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discarded 'cuz ctl frame

Definition at line 2910 of file ksi.c.

unsigned char get_ast_tx_rssi ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx rssi of last ack.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx rssi of last ack

Definition at line 2948 of file ksi.c.

unsigned char get_ast_rx_rssi ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx rssi from histogram.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx rssi from histogram

Definition at line 2986 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_be_xmit ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of beacons transmitted.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of beacons transmitted

Definition at line 3024 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_be_nobuf ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of beacon setup failed 'cuz no skb.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of beacon setup failed 'cuz no skb

Definition at line 3062 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_per_cal ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of periodic calibration calls.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of periodic calibration calls

Definition at line 3100 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_per_calfail ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of periodic calibration failed.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of periodic calibration failed

Definition at line 3138 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_per_rfgain ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of periodic calibration rfgain reset.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of periodic calibration rfgain reset

Definition at line 3176 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rate_calls ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rate control checks.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rate control checks

Definition at line 3214 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rate_raise ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rate control raised xmit rate.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rate control raised xmit rate

Definition at line 3252 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_rate_drop ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rate control dropped xmit rate.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rate control dropped xmit rate

Definition at line 3290 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_ant_defswitch ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx/default antenna switches.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx/default antenna switches

Definition at line 3328 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_ast_ant_txswitch ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx antenna switches.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx antenna switches

Definition at line 3366 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_badversion ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of frame with bad version.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of frame with bad version

Definition at line 3494 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_tooshort ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx frame too short.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx frame too short

Definition at line 3538 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_wrongbss ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx from wrong bssid.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx from wrong bssid

Definition at line 3582 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_dup ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discard 'cuz dup.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discard 'cuz dup

Definition at line 3626 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_wrongdir ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx w/ wrong direction.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx w/ wrong direction

Definition at line 3670 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_mcastecho ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discard 'cuz mcast echo.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discard 'cuz mcast echo

Definition at line 3714 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_notassoc ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discard 'cuz sta !assoc.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discard 'cuz sta !assoc

Definition at line 3758 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_noprivacy ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx w/ wep but privacy off.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx w/ wep but privacy off

Definition at line 3802 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_unencrypted ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx w/o wep and privacy on.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx w/o wep and privacy on

Definition at line 3846 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_wepfail ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx wep processing failed.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx wep processing failed

Definition at line 3890 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_decap ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx decapsulation failed.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx decapsulation failed

Definition at line 3934 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_mgtdiscard ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discard mgt frames.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discard mgt frames

Definition at line 3978 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_ctl ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discard ctrl frames.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discard ctrl frames

Definition at line 4022 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_beacon ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx beacon frames.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx beacon frames

Definition at line 4066 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_rstoobig ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx rate set truncated.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx rate set truncated

Definition at line 4110 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_elem_missing ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx required element missing.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx required element missing

Definition at line 4154 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_elem_toobig ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx element too big.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx element too big

Definition at line 4198 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_elem_toosmall ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx element too small.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx element too small

Definition at line 4242 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_elem_unknown ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx element unknown.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx element unknown

Definition at line 4286 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_badchan ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx frame w/ invalid chan.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx frame w/ invalid chan

Definition at line 4330 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_chanmismatch ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx frame chan mismatch.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx frame chan mismatch

Definition at line 4374 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_nodealloc ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx frame dropped.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx frame dropped

Definition at line 4418 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_ssidmismatch ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx frame ssid mismatch.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx frame ssid mismatch

Definition at line 4462 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_auth_unsupported ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx w/ unsupported auth alg.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx w/ unsupported auth alg

Definition at line 4506 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_auth_fail ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx sta auth failure.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx sta auth failure

Definition at line 4550 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_auth_countermeasures ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx auth discard 'cuz CM.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx auth discard 'cuz CM

Definition at line 4594 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_bss ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx assoc from wrong bssid.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx assoc from wrong bssid

Definition at line 4638 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_notauth ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx assoc w/o auth.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx assoc w/o auth

Definition at line 4682 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_capmismatch ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx assoc w/ cap mismatch.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx assoc w/ cap mismatch

Definition at line 4726 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_norate ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number rx assoc w/ no rate match.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx assoc w/ no rate match

Definition at line 4770 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_assoc_badwpaie ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx assoc w/ bad WPA IE.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx assoc w/ bad WPA IE

Definition at line 4814 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_deauth ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx deauthentication.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx deauthentication

Definition at line 4858 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_disassoc ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx disassociation.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx disassociation

Definition at line 4902 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_badsubtype ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx frame w/ unknown subtype.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx frame w/ unknown subtype

Definition at line 4946 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_nobuf ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx failed for lack of buf.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx failed for lack of buf

Definition at line 4990 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_decryptcrc ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx decrypt failed on crc.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx decrypt failed on crc

Definition at line 5034 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_ahdemo_mgt ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discard ahdemo mgt frame.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discard ahdemo mgt frame

Definition at line 5078 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_bad_auth ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx bad auth request.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx bad auth request

Definition at line 5122 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_unauth ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx on unauthorized port.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx on unauthorized port

Definition at line 5166 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_badkeyid ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx w/ incorrect keyid.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx w/ incorrect keyid

Definition at line 5210 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_ccmpreplay ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx seq# violation (CCMP).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx seq# violation (CCMP)

Definition at line 5254 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_ccmpformat ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx format bad (CCMP).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx format bad (CCMP)

Definition at line 5298 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_ccmpmic ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx MIC check failed (CCMP).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx MIC check failed (CCMP)

Definition at line 5342 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_tkipreplay ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx seq# violation (TKIP).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx seq# violation (TKIP)

Definition at line 5386 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_tkipformat ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx format bad (TKIP).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx format bad (TKIP)

Definition at line 5430 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_tkipmic ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx MIC check failed (TKIP).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx MIC check failed (TKIP)

Definition at line 5474 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_tkipicv ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx ICV check failed (TKIP).

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx ICV check failed (TKIP)

Definition at line 5518 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_badcipher ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz key type.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx failed 'cuz key type

Definition at line 5562 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_nocipherctx ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx failed 'cuz key !setup.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx failed 'cuz key !setup

Definition at line 5606 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_rx_acl ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of rx discard 'cuz acl policy.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of rx discard 'cuz acl policy

Definition at line 5650 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_tx_nobuf ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed for lack of buf.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed for lack of buf

Definition at line 5694 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_tx_nonode ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed for no node.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed for no node

Definition at line 5738 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_tx_unknownmgt ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx of unknown mgt frame.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx of unknown mgt frame

Definition at line 5782 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_tx_badcipher ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz key type.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz key type

Definition at line 5826 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_tx_nodefkey ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no defkey.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz no defkey

Definition at line 5870 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_tx_noheadroom ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tx failed 'cuz no space.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tx failed 'cuz no space

Definition at line 5914 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_scan_active ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of active scans started.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of active scans started

Definition at line 5958 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_scan_passive ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of passive scans started.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of passive scans started

Definition at line 6002 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_node_timeout ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of nodes timed out inactivity.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of nodes timed out inactivity

Definition at line 6046 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_nomem ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of no memory for crypto ctx.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of no memory for crypto ctx

Definition at line 6090 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_tkip ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tkip crypto done in s/w.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tkip crypto done in s/w

Definition at line 6134 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_tkipenmic ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tkip en-MIC done in s/w.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tkip en-MIC done in s/w

Definition at line 6178 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_tkipdemic ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tkip de-MIC done in s/w.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tkip de-MIC done in s/w

Definition at line 6222 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_tkipcm ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of tkip counter measures.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of tkip counter measures

Definition at line 6266 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_ccmp ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of ccmp crypto done in s/w.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of ccmp crypto done in s/w

Definition at line 6310 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_wep ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of wep crypto done in s/w.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of wep crypto done in s/w

Definition at line 6354 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_setkey_cipher ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of cipher rejected key.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of cipher rejected key

Definition at line 6398 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_setkey_nokey ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of no key index for setkey.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of no key index for setkey

Definition at line 6442 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_delkey ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of driver key delete failed.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of driver key delete failed

Definition at line 6486 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_badcipher ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of unknown cipher.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of unknown cipher

Definition at line 6530 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_nocipher ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of cipher not available.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of cipher not available

Definition at line 6574 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_attachfail ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of cipher attach failed.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of cipher attach failed

Definition at line 6618 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_swfallback ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of cipher fallback to s/w.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of cipher fallback to s/w

Definition at line 6662 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_keyfail ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of driver key alloc failed.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of driver key alloc failed

Definition at line 6706 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_crypto_enmicfail ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of en-MIC failed.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of en-MIC failed

Definition at line 6750 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_ibss_capmismatch ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of merge failed-cap mismatch.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of merge failed-cap mismatch

Definition at line 6794 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_ibss_norate ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of merge failed-rate mismatch.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of merge failed-rate mismatch

Definition at line 6838 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_ps_unassoc ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of ps-poll for unassoc.


dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of ps-poll for unassoc. sta

Definition at line 6882 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_ps_badaid ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of ps-poll w/ incorrect aid.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of ps-poll w/ incorrect aid

Definition at line 6926 of file ksi.c.

unsigned int get_is_ps_qempty ( char *  dev_name,
unsigned int *  code_err 

This function allows to get number of ps-poll w/ nothing to send.

dev_name name of the network interface
code_err output a code error if an error occurs.
number of ps-poll w/ nothing to send

Definition at line 6969 of file ksi.c.

Generated on Mon Jan 21 12:31:47 2008 for XIAN by  doxygen 1.5.3